GR Family Handbook

GR Family Handbook

GR Family Handbook


School Start: 8:00 am

Morning Recess 9:35 – 9:50

Lunch: 11:20 – 12:05

Dismissal 2:40 pm



Greely Road Public School

109 Greely Road

Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4V4

P: 780-791-7470   F: 780-791-9166


 Twitter: @GreelyRRunner

Facebook: Greely Road Public School

FMPSD Vision Statement

Inspire and engage students for life-long learning


Greely Road Mission Statement

We gather as a community creating a child-centred environment that empowers all students to become lifelong learners and reach their highest potential.  We inspire children to become contributing members of our global community.  We respect the uniqueness of every child and maintain individuality while fostering interdependence.  We believe that children need hope and the tools to create a better world for future generations.


Our Promise

We promise to work together for the benefit of all our students.


We promise to get to know our students and what is important to them so we can help them achieve to the best of their abilities.


We promise to deliver the program of studies in an engaging and inspiring manner that captures student interest.


We promise to model citizenship by showing kindness, courtesy and courage to all in our school community.


We promise to provide opportunities for students to learn from working together.


We promise to choose happy. 

“Active Learning” at Greely Road School

The definition of the term “active learning” has relied more on intuitive understanding than a common definition. Consequently, some teachers assert that all learning is inherently “active” and students who are engaged in listening to a presentation are actively involved.  However, research suggests that students need to do more than listen; they must read, write, discuss and engage in problem-solving.  Most importantly, to be actively involved, students must engage in such higher-order thinking tasks as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.  Within this context, it is proposed that “Active Learning” be defined as:


“Learning that is derived from instructional activity that not only allows students to do things but causes them to think about what they are doing.” Or, alternatively, “Active Learning” is the ability to get students to do something with what they have learned and then to think about what they have done.”

Greely Road School

“Active Learning / Adventurous Teaching”


Help Yourself Grow


  1. Take risks.  Don’t play it safe.


  1. Take initiative.  Don’t wait for instructions.


  1. Spend energy on solutions, not emotions.


  1. Shoot for your best always.  


  1. Focus on opportunities, not problems.


  1. Experiment.


  1. Take personal responsibility for fixing things.  


  1. Stay calm.


  1. Have fun!

Our Student Expectations

Greely Road School endorses a set of desirable personal and interpersonal character traits that incorporate universal values of respect, integrity, empathy, compassion, independence, cooperation, responsibility and self-control. We expect students to strive for personal excellence. 

General Expectations

Be diligent in school studies.

Attend school regularly and punctually.

Respect the rights of others and themselves.

Refrain from, report and not tolerate bullying or bullying behaviour directed towards others in the school.


There will be times when students may make choices which are not in the best interest of themselves or others and violate FMPSD policy. We will work with students towards corrective behaviour, and consequences may sometimes be required. Consequences may range from self-reflection with a teacher during recess, time in the office, and very serious occurrences, which may lead to suspension. When deciding on the best path forward for corrective behaviour, the individual student's needs and external circumstances will be considered. There is no direct cause and effect. 


Please click here for FMPSD’s Student Code of conduct which Greely Road adheres to. 


Bikes, etc. on the Playground


  1. All bicycles are to be stored in the bike racks upon arrival at school and are not to be used throughout the day unless there is some special event such as Bike Safety etc. being conducted by a guest agency.  At lunchtime or at the end of the school day, students are to immediately leave the school grounds with their bicycles and not ride around on school property.


  1. Scooters and/or skateboards are not to be used for recreation purposes on school property.  Students are required to place such items in their lockers or secure them in the bike racks if possible. 


  1. Inline skates are to be removed upon arrival on school property and not used throughout the day.  

Library Policies and Procedures 


Materials for Loan


Students may borrow:

  1. Up to two books for leisure reading for a one week loan period 
  2. Library staff and teacher to determine amount of books required for projects


Students are responsible for the care of all materials signed out in their names.  If lost, damaged or defaced, the replacement cost will be charged.


Loans are renewable.  Overdue loans may result in the suspension of borrowing privileges.


Students are welcome to use non-book materials in the library or under the supervision of the classroom teacher, but may not sign out such materials on their own.


Reference materials intended are for use in the library only.



The Schedule

Supervision periods mirror the school day starting with the 7:45-8:00 morning slot, the 9:35-9:50 slot and the 11:40-12:05 lunch slot.  Supervision concludes with the approximate 2:40-2:55 after school time slot.


During Inclement Weather

Inclement weather includes rain or cold temperatures in excess of minus 23C. School administration will declare an “in” day when it is too cold or wet and will announce the decision prior to morning student arrival, recess and/or lunch.


The morning recess (9:35-9:50) and lunch recess supervision shifts consists of 2 supervisors.  When an indoor recess is announced, students are to remain in their classrooms and take part in quiet activities.


Student Attendance


Recording daily student attendance is a legal requirement under the Education Act. 


Secretaries contact parents whenever a student is absent from school without staff’s prior knowledge.  Calls are made shortly after registration (8:15) and in early afternoon (12:15).


Student Addresses/Phone Numbers


Please inform the office staff whenever you are aware of a new address and/or phone number for students, changes in parent/guardian work numbers, changes in home situations, etc


Field Trips


Teachers are encouraged to take classes on field trips related to their classroom studies.  These trips may be either on foot or by bus.   It is important to remember that your class will be ambassadors of our school when they are in the community. 


  1. Eating on the bus
  2. Littering on the bus
  3. Abusive language or gestures
  4. Causing damage to seats or interior of bus
  5. Extending any part of the body out of the bus window
  6. Disposing of any materials out of the bus window
  7. Unnecessary conversation with the bus driver
  8. Standing up while the bus  is in motion